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  Warren Commission Hearings, Volume II
Title  (PDF: 70 K)
Preface  (PDF: 42 K)
Contents  (PDF: 61 K)
James Herbert Martin  (PDF: 2194 K)
Mark Lane  (PDF: 2438 K)
Roy H. Kellerman  (PDF: 3835 K)
William Robert Greer  (PDF: 1586 K)
Clinton J. Hill  (PDF: 961 K)
Rufus Wayne Youngblood  (PDF: 940 K)
Robert Hill Jackson  (PDF: 715 K)
Arnold Louis Rowland  (PDF: 1927 K)
James Richard Worrell, Jr.  (PDF: 798 K)
Amos Lee Euins  (PDF: 649 K)
Buell Wesley Frazier  (PDF: 2471 K)
Linnie Mae Randle  (PDF: 474 K)
Cortlandt Cunningham  (PDF: 185 K)
William Wayne Whaley  (PDF: 684 K)
Cecil J. McWatters  (PDF: 2183 K)
William Wayne Whaley (resumed)  (PDF: 222 K)
Mrs. Katherine Ford  (PDF: 2092 K)
Declan P. Ford  (PDF: 1215 K)
Peter Paul Gregory  (PDF: 830 K)
Comdr. James J. Humes  (PDF: 2400 K)
Comdr. J. Thorton Boswell  (PDF: 149 K)
Lt. Col. Pierre A. Finck  (PDF: 603 K)
Michael R. Paine  (PDF: 3604 K)
Ruth Hyde Paine  (PDF: 3119 K)
Ruth Hyde Paine (resumed)  (PDF: 3019 K)

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Warren Commission Hearings, Volume II

Volume II of the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits volumes is one of 5 volumes of testimony taken by the Commission members in Washington DC. There are 10 additional volumes of testimony and affidavits taken by staff members in various locations, and 11 volumes of Exhibits.

Volume II consists of testimony from prominent Warren Commission critic Mark Lane, Secret Service agents, Dealey Plaza witnesses to the assassination, associates of Lee Oswald and witnesses to his purported flight, the three autopsy physicians, and others. The testimony in this volume was conducted between February 27 and March 19, 1964.