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  1996 Release: Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City ("Lopez Report")
ARRB Notification  (PDF: 744 K)
Addendum to Footnote 614 
I. Introduction  (PDF: 624 K)
A. Issues Addressed
B. Differences Between the Warren Commission Investigation...
C. Conclusions
D. Structure and Relevancy
II. Central Intelligence Agency Surveillance Operations...  (PDF: 3606 K)
A. Photographic Surveillance.....Cuban Diplomatic Compound
1. Introduction
2. Physical Positioning of Surveillance Bases and Targets
3. Objectives of Operation and Scope of Coverage Provided
4. Disposition of Production from the Operation
B. Photographic Surveillance.....Soviet Diplomatic Compound
1. Introduction
2. Physical Positioning of Surveillance Bases and Targets
3. Objectives of Operation and Scope of Coverage Provided
4. Procedure and Timing Involved in Processing Production...
5. Responsibility for the Operation
6. Coordination of Photographic and Electronic Surveillance Operations
C. Electronic Surveillance of Telephones at the Soviet and Cuban...
1. Existence
2. Responsibility
3. Telephone Lines Covered
4. Production from Operation
III. Information About Lee Harvey Oswald's Stay in Mexico...  (PDF: 3038 K)
A. Information that was Available
1. Information Available...from Electronic Surveillance Aimed at the Soviet Consulate...
2. Information Available...from CIA Headquarters
3. Information Available...from Electronic Surveillane Aimed at the Cuban Diplomatic Compound
4. Information Available...from Photographic Surveillance...
5. Possibility that Additional Information...
6. Possibility that the CIA Photosurveillance Obtained a Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald
B. Information Connected to Lee Harvey Oswald by the Mexico City Station Prior...
1. Introduction
2. Information Available from the Soviet Wiretaps...
3. When were the Intercepted Conversations Linked to Lee HarveyOswald
4. The Photograph of the Mexico Mystery Man
IV. Reconstruction of the CIA Mexico City Station and Headquarters Actions Prior...  (PDF: 3478 K)
A. Introduction--CIA Interest In and Liaison with FBI Regarding American Citizens...
B. Narrative of Mexico City Station Actions Prior to the Assassination
V. Mexico City Station Reporting of Information Concerning Oswald...  (PDF: 985 K)
A. Reporting of information concerning the photograph of the Mexico Mystery Man
B. Reporting of information concerning Lee Harvey Oswald...
C. Silvia Duran
VI. Information not available at the time of the Warren Commission investigation  (PDF: 3058 K)
A. Silvia Tirado (nee Duran)
1. HSCA 6/6/78 Interview of Silvia Tirado
2. CIA information not available at the time of the Warren Commission investigation
B. The Cubans
1. Eusebio Azcue Lopez
2. Alfredo Mirabal Diaz
C. Elena Garro de Paz
1. Elena's story as reported October 5, 1964
2. October 12, 1964 CIA Memo for the Record
3. November 24, 1964 CIA Informant Report
4. November 24, 1964 Elena Garro meeting...
5. Charles Thomas' first meeting with Elena Garro...
6. Charles Thomas' Meeting with Elena Garro on December 25, 1965
7. December 27, 1965 Legal Attache Memo to the United States...
8. CIA Investigation of Elena's allegation that she created a disturbance...
9. Legal Attache 2/23/66 Memo to the United States...
10. Legal Attache Memo to Winston Scott...
11. Charles Thomas' September 30, 1969 Letter to State Department...
12. HSCA's Investigation of Elena Garro's Allegations
D.Oscar Contreras Lartigue
VII. Analysis of Lee Harvey Oswald's Activities in Mexico City  (PDF: 1285 K)
A. Introduction
B. Did Lee Harvey Oswald or an Imposter Contact...
C. What were Lee Harvey Oswald's Activities in Mexico City?
D. Was Lee Harvey Oswald alone while he travelled to Mexico?
Appendices  (PDF: 2770 K)
I: HSCA Procedural Write-up: Cuba Trip 1
2: HSCA Procedural Write-up: Mexico Trip 1
3: HSCA Procedural Write-up: Mexico Trip 2
4: HSCA Procedural Write-up: Cuba Trip 2
5: Biography: Elena Garro de Paz
6: Glossary of Terms Used in Report
7: Listing of CIA Documents Cited
Footnotes  (PDF: 5659 K)

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1996 Release: Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City ("Lopez Report")

The "thirteenth appendix" to the HSCA Report on the JFK assassination is a staff report entitled "Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City." This report describes what the Committee learned about Lee Oswald's trip to Mexico City less than two months prior to the assassination. Questions it grapples with include why the CIA was apparently unable to obtain a photo of Oswald from any of its photographic surveillance stations (and instead produced a photo of a "Mystery Man" who was clearly not Oswald), whether Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, and what credibility to attach to any of the indications and allegations of Communist conspiracy emanating from that city.

The so-called "Lopez Report," written by staffers Dan Hardway and Edwin Lopez, was released in its present form in 1996, but remains redacted in several places. It is a good starting place for grappling with some of the many mysteries of the Mexico City affair. Newly released files have provided new information not present in this report. The LBJ taped phone conversations for instance, include starting corroboration for the claim that audio intercepts of an Oswald impersonator were listened to by FBI agents in Dallas while Oswald was in custody. Declassified testimony of David Phillips, the Tarasoff couple who translated the tapes for the CIA, and others illuminate some areas and deepen the mystery in others.

The "Lopez Report" is a good point of departure for a journey into this mysterious affair.